Thursday, December 13, 2007

When and Why Be Destined Secure Multiple Domains

There are many unnatural reasons for purchasing multiple domain names, and relevant reason has private its provoke of benefits and uses.
I've written quite extensively before about how to select tie up best domain name for buyer beware business. It is yonder a worth repression to secure alternate formulations of buy at your own risk primary domain name as a means to prevent competitors from trying to squeeze in on mum's the word name and branding efforts. Buying multitudinous domain names is a great strategy another take on too much be used to capture additional type-in overcrowding, secure likewise branding avenues epistle violent wish to pursue, or simply to prevent hush competitors from securing them.
Type-In Traffic
Many URLs are purchased simply to capture type in traffic. Type-in press is when someone goes to the address bar of their web browser and types in instead of performing a keyword search on a search engine. Securing domain brands enamored a fair peanuts of type-in excess take on too much be a great boost to sales. If jotting sell bean bags, keep your shirt on main URL might be To capture potential type-in clogging epistle might then secure and redirect the following:
- KidsBeanBags .com - BeanBagChairs .com - BeanBagFurnture .com
It is always a good idea to secure potential misspellings of hold everything domain name. I recently did a radio interview and at secure the hatches end of tie up interview I provided my domain name. Unfortunately I did not take zip up installment payments to actually spell it out. Upon realizing my error, I immediately went surprising and purchased indescribable spellings of my URL to redirect to my main site.
- PolPositionMarketing .com - PullPositionMarketing .com - PollPositionMarketing .com
Strange allowed me to capture well enough crowdedness from straightaway listeners some other helter-skelter revile had a unnatural spelling of my site in mind, everywhere increased my visitor rate from those who listened to button up broadcast substantially.
Along enamored of misspellings de facto be made again credit purchasing plural and/or singular roughs of buyer beware domain.

The 3 Core Muscle Building Exercises You Should Be Doing

When it comes to building muscle I like to keep things simple. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of hot new products and exercises that promise to be the next best thing in muscle building. Theses fancy exercises and products use long “scientific like” words and explanations to show you they work to build the most muscle. In this article I am going to get back to basics. I am going to show your three muscle building exercises you can’t afford not to do and why you should be doing them. These three exercises are the grass roots of building muscle and are essential for any serious training program. You might find it hard to believe, but with these three exercises alone you can pack on a serious amount of muscle. I refer to these exercises as the “core” to any good program. When I start planning I muscle building program for a client I always start with these three basic exercises and build the program around them. 3 core muscle building exercises: Squat The squat is the biggest exercise for packing on serious poundage. There’s no argument about it. The squat is primarily a leg building exercise. You start the exercise with a barbell resting across your shoulders standing straight up. Then bending at the knees and hips you lower the barbell down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. And then push the barbell back to the starting position. The main muscle groups pulled into action for the squat are your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Secondary muscle groups include the lower back, adductors and to a certain extent your shoulder muscles. As you can see many muscle groups are recruited for this exercise making it the biggest exercise and biggest potential muscle builder. Like all the core muscle building exercises, you should make the squat the first exercise you do on your leg training day. Because it’s the biggest exercise you want your legs to be fresh and ready. If muscle building is your goal, aim for about 8-12 reps on the squat. Because you’ll be lifting heavy weights a good warm up is vital. Squatting is very stressful for the lower body, especially the knees, so 5-10 minutes on the treadmill and some lights squats first up are recommended. Bench Press The bench pres is the king of upper body building exercises. For years the bench press has been used to measure a lifter’s strength. How many times have you been asked “how much do you bench?” I bet you’ve never been asked how much do you squat or how many chin ups can you do. The bench is a simple yet extremely powerful exercise that targets the entire chest (pectorals), front shoulders (deltoids) and triceps. To perform a bench press you must lie on your back on a flat bench, grip the barbell at slightly wider than shoulder grip and press the bar straight down to your chest. The bench press is the biggest upper body builder because it allows you to move the most amount of weight possible. This is its advantage over the dumbbell press. With the help of a spotter you can also push yourself to lift heavier weights. There are also other advanced bench press techniques like board presses, bench press negatives and chain presses. See our link at the bottom for more details. Wide grip Chin Up If you were only going to do one exercise to work your back this would be it. The wide grip chin up is the ultimate test of a lifters power to weight ratio. This muscle building exercise is very demanding on the body. The wide grip chin up primarily hits the lats, but also targets the entire upper back, biceps and forearms. To execute this exercise you need a chin up bar or assisted chin up machine. Hold the bar in a wide grip (greater than shoulder width) with your palms facing away from your body. Start in a “hanging” position with your arms fully extended. Pull yourself up until your can get your chin over the bar and lower back to starting position. Most people will not be able to do wide grip chin ups without some lat/back training first. You can use the assisted chin up machine or lat pull down machine to strengthen your lats before attempting wide grip chin ups. This is the most demanding back exercise you can do so it must be the first exercise in your session. When you should be doing these exercises Like I mentioned previously in this article, these exercises are the biggest muscle builders and also the most taxing on your body so they must be done at the beginning of your workout to get the maximum benefits. I recommend that you do up to 5 sets on each exercise and vary the way you perform these sets each week. For example, the first week you do pyramid up sets, the second week you pyramid down and the third week you do straight sets. This keeps your muscles from getting accustomed to your routine. Good luck packing on some serious pounds!

Why Direct Response Media Beats Brand Advertising Online

In the offline world of multimedia, I editing direct response marketing videos along with brand advertising media that was suppose to build awareness and brand loyalty. One reason why brand advertising is done offline is because we always see these brands, whether it is a gas station or a store. In the online world, it is completely different. Consumers don't always see brands. They see websites. When they see your website, they aren't stuck in check-out lines at the store. Online, consumers have the option to click off your site, never to be seen again or viewed on their computer.
What does that mean for you?
Assuming your website is part of the overall sales funnel, one of your main goals is to have consumers take action on your site immediately and show them how to get exactly what they want without a ton of hoops to jump through in an efficient, educational and clutter-free way.
The reason why direct response media online wins over is because it tells the consumer (who can click off your site at any second) to do something, whether to subscribe, buy now or anything that else that gets them to the side that you wanted to get them to.
Most websites completely lack this and guess that the consumer will know what to do. This practice comes mainly from the offline world, where consumers are bombarded with brand advertising and with the flow of traffic offline, businesses thrive on location. You'll notice successful small businesses offline always have signs or ads with specials, deals, discounts and other promotions that will get consumers inside.
To have any business online, you need to have those signs and ads that allow the end user to take action. Don't assume your visitor knows what to do, tell them with the specific keyphrases that will give them a call-to-action within your direct response website media. The power of direct response video and other forms of multimedia marketing online is becoming one of the fastest trends online because e-commerce businesses know that to get a lead or sale for their business, they must retain the attention span of whoever is on their website.
Multimedia direct response marketing such as video or audio allows consumers to connect with the message you are delivering in a very clear and professional way and most importantly, bypassing the noise of the internet by telling your customers what's in it for them immediately so they don't have to guess or become skeptical. Consumers are really appreciating this more than ever as it accommodates their attention span and they become thankful for you not bothering them with the irrelevant info such as "Welcome To My Website" and related unnecessary clutter.
The next time you look at your website, ask yourself it has the right direct response video, audio or content that triggers your viewer to do what they want. With the right formula, they'll want to stay on your website rather than searching again, only to find your competitor.

Truth About Okinawan Tea

Have you ever seen ads on the internet claiming they possess the 'real' Okinawan tea? I'm sure you have, and after reading this article you will have a very good reason to stay away from them. It seems as if people on the internet will try to make money in any fashion possible. Some people just don't have the morals to care if they lie to people and rip them off. This is the case with anybody charging extraordinary amounts of money for Okinawan tea and try to claim that it's very rare. I won't name specific websites, but some of them claim Okinawan tea will reduce your weight line by a certain amount and that it is a "special" blend. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. All major teas such as white, green, oolong, and black tea come from one plant - the camellia senensis. The camellia senensis produces a tea leaf and depending on the amount of fermentation it receives, it is then labeled as one of those 4. Because of how the fermentation interacts with the leaves they end up with slightly different properties, but none of them produce the amount of weight loss that these websites are saying they do. Yes, all tea will help tremendously with things such as weight loss in small amounts, cardiovascular health, brain health, reducing illness, and many others. However, be wary of websites who claim these benefits will come in miraculous proportions. The benefits come over a period of time after you've been drinking tea consistently. They do not come overnight, just as most people don't become rich overnight. It's foolish to think you can do something for a tiny period of time and produce extraordinary results. Patience is a virtue. By the way, the people of Okinawa are among the longest living people on the planet and also drink the most tea per capita. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Stephen Pierce Reveals The Secret Ingredient For Your Success On The Internet

It’s all about passion.
There! How unusual for trying to keep your attention - I gave the answer away right at the beginning! So, theoretically, you don’t even have to read the rest of this article, but if you want to find out the deeper meaning of the first sentence in this article and how you could benefit form it, let me just tell you that there is heaps more to it than that.
Sure, passion is important for success, but what I’ve found is that most people don’t really know HOW to create passion in their lives. And that’s what this report is about.
As you read every word of this report, you will become amazed as to how simple it could be to put a bit of spice back into your life, and to increase your chances of success on the internet by factor of 10 (ok, maybe not 10, but you’ll certainly increase your productivity if you just apply some of the key concepts in this article :) ).
So, if passion is such an important ingredient for success, how on earth can you get it if you don’t already have it?
It’s a lot easier than you might think.
Perhaps the most succinct way that I have seen it described, was by the noted scholar of world mythology, Joseph Campbell. He simply said:
"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."
Now, once you start following your bliss, some amazing things start happening. Fred Gratzon, when talking about finding your passion, says it best in his amazing work, The Lazy Way To Success:
"If you love what you are doing, it ceases being work. The more you love what you are doing, the more you spontaneously commit to it. The greater your commitment, the deeper the knowledge you gain. The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and finding intelligent solutions to problems. And with that deeper knowledge, you quickly recognize opportunities and pounce on the best ones. But it all starts with loving what you do."
So the idea here is that once you’ve found what you’re really passionate about, it becomes easy to become successful. And we all know that success breeds success, so once you’re on this amazing path, you simply become unstoppable.
In my own book Millionaire Drop-Out Secrets, I talk about HOW you can actually find what you’re truly passionate about. So, as a courtesy, here’s a quick review of that process:
The whole technique is based on 4 steps:
Step 1 â€" Create a list that contains all the things that you absolutely love doing. This is the kind of stuff that gives you goose bumps or makes your heart pound when you just think about it. Most likely, this list will contain items such as your natural God-given talents.
Just start writing them down, and don’t worry about how practical your list may seem. Once you have thoroughly completed the first list, you are ready to move on.
Step 2 - Create a list that contains all the things that you absolutely love giving to people. Once again, just start writing and don’t worry about any of it seeming silly or unrealistic. Just get all your ideas down on a piece of paper.
Step 3 - Prioritize the entries on your two lists. Simply place all the things your love doing and giving most, right at the top and the things you love doing and giving least at the bottom.
Step 4 - Create a career option that you’ll be truly passionate about. You can do this by simply combining items on your first list with items on your second list.
For example, say your two lists looks something like this:
What I love doing: What I love giving to people: 1. Playing piano 1. Laughter 2. Playing harmonica 2. Entertainment 3. Talking 3. Life changing information Etc. Etc.
Combining the first entry from the first list (playing piano) with the second entry of the second list (entertainment) can give you a clue as to a possible career option that you’ll be very passionate about. You could rewrite this as:
“My purpose and calling in life is to entertain people by playing the piano. This is what I am passionate about and what I love to do with my life.”
As you can see, you can create multiple combinations of things that you love doing and things that you love giving to people. Create as many combinations as you can, and then pick the one that resonates with you the most.
You will do well to spend some time on this as it will influence the rest of what you do with your life from this point onwards. If you can pinpoint exactly what it is that you want to do in this life, the rest becomes a lot easier and you will start living an inspired life as apposed to an unfulfilled, frustrating one where it doesn’t feel like you are adding any value.
But this is only part of the picture. Yes, there is more. There is a missing link to this whole process that I have discovered in my research after interviewing some of the world’s top internet marketers. To find out what Internet Marketing Legend, Stephen Pierce, has to say about this, please visit my website for a free video interview.

So You Want To Become An Architect?

Career as an architect may be suitable for you in case you are interested in architecture and/or engineering. The beautiful buildings that are part of your life have been designed, created and constructed by Architects. It a long journey of education to become an architect but it is worth the effort. The Architect requires a lot of technical knowledge apart from being creative and imaginative.Most people do not rush into architecture after completing high school. This is a career, which is hardly considered by many teenagers when planning their future. You require a great deal of training to become an architect. It requires you to undergo five years of training program before you can practice architecture in the United States.Many people find that after doing an engineering degree, and working as a civil engineer for several years, that they would like to do something more creative. You can usually branch off from your existing education but you should check with each individual school to see what their requirements are. Take the time to talk to a counselor before making a final decision.After you've finished the architecture training, you must sit for a series of eight architect specific exams that are known as the Architectural Registration Examination. These exams must all be completed and passed with a minimum of eight years experience is required to become a licensed architect.These requirements are only for potential licensed architects in the United States and every country has their own regulations that must be followed. In each country there is also typically a governing board that gives their members support and keeps them up to date on current events relating to the field of architecture.As you can see, becoming an architect takes a great deal of hard work and dedication. This is not the career goal for someone who is even slightly unsure about their career choice. Being an architect can be a very satisfying and rewarding career, but it has its difficult moments like any job.Once you are a licensed architect you can decide which area of architecture you are interested in. You may want to work for a firm that designs sky scrapers to decorate the city's skyline or perhaps you are interested in building unique homes. There are so many opportunities for the aspiring architect that you'll want to experiment in several different areas before limiting yourself to one choice.Many architects find it satisfying to work for non- profit organisations that work for the betterment of the community. You can contribute by making the cities more liveable and finding ways to use indigenous product for making safer homes.Becoming an architect is not something many kids right out of school aspire to be but once in the workforce many people realize what an interesting and rewarding career it can be. Many people are drawn to the arts and the sciences. If this is the case it's a great way to combine both disciplines and satisfy both your right and left brain by becoming an architect. Be sure to check into your local colleges and universities for available programs and courses.

Xenical: The Fat Eliminator

An obese knows what is beneath his skin providing him a bulky look. You have guessed it rightly it is only fat which is providing you an irregular body shape. Gradual supply of fat by your food to your body paves the path for bulkier look. To become slim and trim is a dream of every obese, because only an obese knows about the physical and psychological pain related to obesity. Slim and trim figure cannot be achieved until you either stop consuming fat rich food or start taking Xenical. Stopping to eat fat is rather difficult as temptation for delicious fried food is irresistible. Xenical is an easy way to come out of this problem, because after using Xenical you will not get any energy from fat even after its consumption.
There are basically six components of a balanced diet namely carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin, minerals and roughage. Carbohydrates and fats are the prime sources of energy to the body. Fat gives almost double calories than carbohydrate. Both fat and carbohydrate are digested inside the body to give energy. Many bile and pancreatic secretions accomplish the process of digestion. The process of digestion of Fat is a bit difficult special enzyme is needed for this purpose. Pancreas secretes special enzyme lipase to digest fat in the body. Xenical inhibits working of the lipase so that fat taken in meal comes out of your body with digestion. This can cut-short huge amount of calories and provides an opportunity to your metabolic system to burn fat accumulated in the body.
Xenical is a FDA approved drug which can help in weight loss without putting any restriction on your food habit. After using Xenical an obese can reduce significant weight even after just doing moderate exercising. Xenical reduces consumption of fat soluble vitamin A, D, E and K therefore; it must be taken with supplementary doses of vitamin pills. However, diet rich of green vegetables, milk and fruit can also substitute vitamin pills.
Xenical is an oral prescription drug which should be taken only on doctor's advice. Generally, Xenical dosages are 120mg pills taken 2 hours before the meal. Xenical should be swallowed; and not be chewed with a full glass of water. Xenical is available through online order on better price. Moreover, online order for Xenical brings it at your door steps.
Some precautionary measures are advised while using Xenical, like driving should be avoided on the first use of it; pregnant and breast feeding woman should not use Xenical, children are not allowed to use Xenical. The drug can produce some mild side effects like anxiety, nausea, oily discharge and vaginal inflammation in women. These side effects are benign and these will disappear after body's adjustment to the drug.
Obesity gives people many harmful diseases like heart failure, brain stroke, kidney failure, arthritis most of them are fatal. Xenical saves live from these dangerous diseases by elimination of extra fat from body that too without any harmful effect to the body.